1. This is my haiku.A haiku is a poem.Please read mine haiku. Gaming is my thing. Video games with gaming. Video games strikes
In class we do daily five .Daily five is when you do 3 20 min rounds.Your choise is to do word workwork, writing,reading,tec,read with budy.

I look slimy, and skiny
I feel skakley,  wet
I smell stinky ,horabal
You can fined me in a rain forist
What im I?

In my class we are leaning about alliteration.alliteration is a little peom plaese read myn
Clever chin boy
Hot rod
Armor area 
Cheesy Chace
 every wherer every time
can you make a allitation?

Hi my name is Chace. In my spear time I like Socer and Hokey .My faverit coler
is Green.I have 1 brother and a step sister.